An “I am God and You are God” Approach to Dating

By Margaret Dembinski, Modern Mystery School Guide, Healer, and Teacher

Most single and searching people today express frustration about the current state of the “mating marketplace” or the dating scene. The rise of dating apps and the acceptance of casual relationships and situationships may seem to be less stressful than old-fashioned way of courtship - getting paired up or matched up and then getting married. The modern way, however, seems to be creating lots of stress and problems for both men and women. I hear complaints both from friends and see lots of frustration online. For example, there is the growing movement of “men going their own way” and also many women struggle to find a suitable mate.

If you are on the dating scene, you may be surprised to find out that, from a spiritual perspective, you have already found the perfect partner! Sorry, this is not your “Twin Flame” of the Twin Flames Universe infamy. It would be against the law of the universe to assume that any one other person could be your be-all-end-all in this life who is meant to be with you even if they don’t agree. This would be taking away their choice and that is against the laws of the universe. 

Your perfect partner is YOU as a divine being! You, along with your trusty team of angels and other benevolent beings, your Higher Self (your best friend on this physical journey), and your toolbox of self-discovery including rituals, prayer, and meditation.

 YOU are the one who can meet all your needs, fill your life with joy, fulfillment, and pleasure, and you are  totally aligned everything that you truly want to create in your physical life! 

Oftentimes, we don’t act like our perfect partner, and we fill our own life with stress, endless bummers and misery instead of the fun, joy, and sexiness we all want from an ideal romantic partner. This is typically due to the abusive relationship we have with our negative ego, who is NOT US, but we think is us. This greedy companion hogs 90% of our conscious brain until we actively work on decreasing it. Studying Kabbalah and progressing along the Path of Initiation are all excellent ways to lessen the negative ego’s stranglehold in our life. Like any abusive relationship, this one is tough to end and even though it hurts us, we are hooked in so many ways that we typically go back for more, even as high initiates! Luckily, in the Modern Mystery School we have countless tools to jailbreak from this meanie and move in with our true divine spiritual partner - our true divine self.

Now, this is all wonderful, and you simply don’t have to worry anymore about finding your perfect partner because he or she is already with you. But what about the juicy stuff? The next level of interacting with another person is typically the goal in a romantic relationship and is necessary to create amazing life experiences like intimacy, marriage, and children if that is something you would like to create. If we take current trending dating advice, we might evaluate a person we go on a date with with a mental checklist and discard them quickly if they don’t match or they push the wrong buttons for us. 

We can, however, beat the game with our new empowered state and perspective as Initiates.

First, in the Modern Mystery School we teach that all humans are God and divine beings. So, if you are currently in a relationship or marriage, it can always help the relationship to acknowledge and LIVE the reality that the other person is a God/Goddess and is worthy of the gratitude, awe, and respect you would show any divine being. In some cases, that could mean letting them go so that they can live according to their own choice and you, yours. Each person you might go on a date with is a God/Goddess, even if the encounter is a casual one!

When you embrace the divine essence of each person you meet, any person could potentially be your divine mate. What matters then are practical things such as if you enjoy each other and have aligned goals and lifestyles. This is very important! We may love a certain person but if they don’t want what we want in life, it would be overstepping their individual will to try to force them to go along with our way of life. It’s important to have aligned goals, otherwise the commitment won’t last.

Second, we can also use our tools of sanctuary meditation and our spiritual consulting team of guides and benevolent beings to give us feedback about a certain person or date, especially if we have some special feeling about them. When I first met my husband, I did not in my wildest dreams think we would end up together. He did not fit any of my mental constructs of what a partner would look like.Fortunately, at that very moment, my mental boxes had been exploded by a recent workshop my spiritual tools had guided me to attend. My progress in the Mystery School had helped me break my mental boxes and I was open to a new experience!

What I found in my future husband was an interesting person, who became progressively more and more interesting. During our first date, we had a number of incidences or “signs” that marked it as unique. When I first saw him on this date, expecting to just have coffee with an interesting person, his eyes were lit up like a light bulb and he looked very attractive. We also waded in a brook we both love and then ran into a celebrity, and he was reading my mind in a very strange way throughout the date.  I had a great time and was intrigued and curious, and he was very upfront about his interest in me. I saw he had mutual friends on Facebook, asked them about him, and then also meditated with my Higher Self who confirmed this was an important person in my life. He was like a big sun in my sanctuary. I had many mental boxes I continued to break open throughout our courtship. 

Now we have been married 2 years, still really enjoy each other’s company, and have a beautiful baby boy and family. It’s definitely not perfect (I am not perfect, he is not perfect!) but we both want to grow and progress, and we have other similar goals. Sharing this with you, I’m not recommending you imitate me at all, but I am recommending that you utilize the tools from the Modern Mystery School to break open your ideas about who and where your partner might be. Because an intimate partner is part of most people’s core desires and a huge part of our lives, it can help to realize that regarding this intimate and close of a relationship, our mental boxes might be particularly hard to break through. 

Maybe you could try something more old-fashioned. Maybe the person who intrigued you but you wrote off because they pushed your buttons is worthy of a second chance. Maybe your ideal partner is waiting for you to ask them out and not vice-versa! Almost everyone wants a partner in life, and it is a huge source of joy when it goes well. With 8 billion people in the world, I have faith that you can find someone you will enjoy, and will align with your goals in life. I just observe that people need to break down their mental and emotional boxes sometimes in order to make it work. 


Even though you have access to the best spiritual tools in the world, do not let go of common sense and wisdom in searching for a partner. We live in a physical world and we have to be honest and practical and take care of our safety. Always use discernment. For one practical example, if you are waiting to get to a certain level or mastery of the physical or spiritual world before finding your ideal mate, and you also want to have children, you may have to let go of your ideas of what this mastery would look like in order to accomplish what you want within a certain timeline as time is important for this particular goal.


In another situation, if you are waiting to meet someone who is “as evolved” as you feel you are, you may pass up an amazing relationship. Each person is God so it would be arrogant to assume you are more evolved than another God, and there is not only one way to progress in life and on the path especially if being with another Initiate is important to you. I would also highly recommend taking Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave’s classes about Living a Hermetic Life, The Hermetic Communication between Masculine and Feminine, the Hermetic Relationship class, all of which are filled with lots more powerful information about what both men and women are looking for in love, and how to hermetically optimize your life, dating and marriage life. You can’t go wrong with that knowledge. Have fun out there!

Changing the World Through Your Example

By Ariana Bain, Modern Mystery School Guide, Healer, and Teacher

"The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion." ~ Paulo Coelho

It is 2024 and, as you may have noticed, the world is in a time of great transformation that does not look pretty nor graceful. This is a time of the acceleration of energy. A time when the impacts of our choices reverberate much more clearly and quickly. A time when the world is filled with many good people, with many good intentions, and yet, somehow, things are seemingly more chaotic and polarized with each new year that comes.

So many people want to know what they can do to make the world a better place. Harnessing the increased light for good and changing the current trajectory will require a lot of people setting the example of fundamentally different ways to create change. With some help, this coming year can be a time when more people wake up to the possibility that your opinions are not helping anyone and that the energy you hold and the actions you take are what change the world.

As Initiates in the Modern Mystery School, how do we have a real impact? How do we make progress toward accomplishing our mission of Shamballa - world peace? How do we help the world remember that the future can be made up of all of us, rather than just some of us? How do we find unity through our immense diversity, rather than polarization?

Honestly, it is going to be a long while before we figure out world peace on a large scale. Holding your breath and hoping things change will not be a successful strategy.

You do have power to start to change things now and the first steps involve focusing your energy to create the most important building blocks for a better world: the foundation within you.

  1. Know Thyself: know your spiritual essence, heal yourself, and use deep spiritual inquiry to ask how you can best share this light with others.

  2. Take Inspired Action: bring your knowledge of self into the world in a way that aligns with your Higher Self, your spiritual blueprints, and your unique purpose.

Know Thyself

When you get receive Initiation into the Modern Mystery School, a unique new field of greater capacity is unlocked within you to begin to live as your Higher Self. In essence, you gain the capacity to become much greater version of yourself than how you had previously experienced life. If you put in real spiritual work over a span of months and years, you can harness the light and consciousness of your true spiritual nature to completely transform your life and illuminate the shadows of your subconscious mind.

Opening this pathway to your Higher Self, and consciously cultivating a life of light, hope, and service, is the most profound gift you can offer the world. We will eventually create world peace when a critical mass of people shift the entire realm of possibility in the collective consciousness by choosing the light, choosing their Higher Selves, and choosing service to something greater than themselves.

You are your greatest tool for transformation. The most important battle for making the world a better place occurs inside each of us. We can successfully anchor the light when we:

  1. Wake up every day and discern when our negative ego is leading us astray,

  2. Heal the subconscious mind and conditioning that keep us locked in patterns that keep us trapped in the past, and

  3. Learn to consistently choose what is aligned with our positive ego, Higher Self, and purpose.

As within, so without. You cannot influence the world outside you in a positive way while your inner landscape is a wreck. While there is breath in your lungs, this work will never be done. Every day that you put one foot in front of the other to anchor more light makes a difference. Each step makes the road wider and more accessible to the people who will follow.

Inspired Action

As Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave puts it so wisely, "You cannot share what you do not have," and "you cannot want something for someone else more than they want for themselves". Taking inspired action requires increasing your level of self-knowledge and having the energy and internal alignment of what you want to share with the world.

When you do the inner work first, there is a much greater chance of creating a truly positive impact from your spiritual blueprints, rather than unintended consequences or disempowering other people by trying to fix them.

Inspired action comes from translating your knowledge of Self and your unique gifts into something that others can understand and benefit from. Inspired action does not have to mean that you are doing work that is non-profit, charitable, or volunteer. You can take inspired action whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, an executive, a creative, or a freelancer. What matters is that you bring your unique purpose into tangible actions in service to something greater than yourself.

For some people, this may look like great external accomplishments that society recognizes. For others, it may not be as visible, and you may feel more like a secret agent infiltrating unsuspecting new professional fields with light and goodness. Living in alignment with your Higher Self and your purpose in a way that brings you joy has an immeasurable impact regardless of how easily others can quantify it.

So, instead of setting resolutions or intentions this year for what you are going to do differently, consider asking yourself the following:

  1. What can I commit to doing consistently that will help me take steps to know my Self better?

  2. What is my best current understanding of how I can take aligned action in the world that will truly have a lasting and positive impact? And, how can I stay focused knowing that this vision will always keep evolving as I evolve?

These answers will carry you much farther than the resolutions that you have probably already dropped, and they might just start to increase your impact, increase your joy, and shift the tide of humanity towards goodness.

The Spiritual Essence of Beauty

By Marisol Salomon, Certified MMS Healer, & 2nd Step Ritual Master, Holistic Esthetician

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “beauty”?

Glamour? Fashion? Makeup? 

The media portrays that you can only be beautiful if you are young, have a certain body type, facial features, and perfect skin. Some people won’t leave their homes without makeup and won’t take selfies without filters. We have been programmed to hide behind these masks because we are afraid of being judged by others.

But the reality is that beauty isn’t skin deep - and makeup, clothes, and diet fads won’t heal the years of believing the illusion that you are not beautiful. Breaking down these illusions about beauty is where the real magick starts.

How do we break down these illusions? 

As Jordan Bain said in his recent article, “What is Spiritual Light?,” we need to bring in more light! Light transcends our beliefs and our minds and empowers us to discern the truth. One of the ways to bring in more light is through receiving healings from your guide and initiations on the path of progression. Healings and initiations help to anchor light into your physical being and facilitate a deeply transformative process of reconnecting you to your divine spiritual essence and life purpose. With every step in the process, you become more “you.”

There is nothing more beautiful than removing the masks you have been hiding behind, learning to love yourself, and freely expressing your unique spiritual essence and individuality as a God/dess in this world. This is the work of Knowing Thyself. And when you Know Thyself - it shows!

Many of us in the Modern Mystery School notice that we look more radiant, more youthful, more joyful, and more beautiful with every initiation received and every new step taken on this path of progression. It’s not an uncommon experience for strangers to take notice of all of the light that initiates carry and remark how beautiful and radiant we seem when returning home from programs. Our clothes didn’t change, our hair didn’t change, and our skincare routines are the same, but we shifted on the inside, and it’s always noticeable on the outside. True beauty radiates from within us and is the outward expression and the result of all of the healing work we are doing to bring our bodies, souls, and spirits into alignment and balance. 

My favorite part about the journey to Knowing Thyself is that it is a lifelong journey. A journey of remembering and rediscovering our innate beauty and learning to share that beauty with others. The longer we walk this path of progression together, the more beautiful all of us will become, and the more beautiful we can make this world!

With love,


What is Spiritual Light?

By Jordan Bain, Modern Mystery School Senior Guide, Kabbalah Instructor, and International Instructor

Light. What is spiritual light? How is spiritual light generated, or, perhaps more accurately, brought into our lives?

Where does the Light come from? In the Mystery School, we say the Spiritual Light available to us comes from En-Sof, a being who is not really a being, but who is also not not a being — En-Sof is a plenum of emptiness, a Source of All, having no qualities but containing all qualities; holding all of existence within itself, and lending its Mind and presence and being to all things always, existing within all things, and yet not defined (nor even altered in fundamental nature) by any thing. 

En-Sof is the substance of the quantum field, the etheric web of life, the essential substance behind all matter, all life. We are part of En-Sof and also not, all at the same time. En-Sof is in everything but its essence, if it could be said to have an essence at all, is also no-thing-ness, nothingness. And yet it is full of everythingness, goodness, and light simultaneously. 

It is quite a paradox and yet has no contradictions whatsoever within itself, for it could not have contradictions and still be En-Sof. It unfolds itself through the Seven Hermetic Principles, and manifests in all life as the most essential force that drives all existence.

So how do we access and work with this Spiritual Light of En-Sof?

Good news: it’s always already here. Yet being so essential, a quantum consciousness of reality is required to access it. How do we obtain this kind of consciousness? The Path of Initiation that we are already walking upon as initiates in this lineage gives us the reliable tools to do this.

Our primary tools in the Mystery School lineage give us layers upon layers of the right kind of access to the quantum field, the Mind of En-Sof, in the right ways and at the right times for our individual development as we progress.

These primary tools are:

  1. Rituals

  2. Meditation

  3. Prayer

  4. Healing

By employing these 4 basic tools, at the right times and in the right ways, we progress on our path of knowledge, understanding and wisdom of how to harness the Light in the best ways: to find JOY in our lives and bring JOY to others through SERVICE.

Service is defined in the Mystery School as the authentic promotion, acknowledgement, transformation, and confirmation that someone is God. Service is the result of the correct use of our tools, and functions as the reminder to us and to those we serve to live in JOY. Joy is the authentic remembrance in each moment that you are God. Of course, as we find true Joy in knowing thyself as God, in the same moment we find true peace, because we are in alignment and living in flow with who we truly are, and that peace cannot be replaced through any other means.

When we use our tools, regularly, intelligently, and creatively to further our joy and service — not mindlessly like robots doing rituals because someone told us they were “good” — we discover that new possibilities which never before seemed available open up for us, layer by layer.

These layers of new possibilities contain more Light, and therefore more potential for Joy, because they were unfolded as a product of the tools of Light. The Light serves the Light in the Light to generate more potential for Light, which means life improves and becomes more Godly, more Good, more meaningful.

Why does it work like this? HOW does it work like this?

When we use the tools, we notice potentials in the quantum field, in the plenum of emptiness that is En-Sof, potentials which have always existed, but now can come to AWARENESS because we have harnessed ENOUGH LIGHT to NOTICE that they exist. 

The field is always a quantum reality, and part of the meaning of quantum reality is that is responds to observation, to awareness.  Without awareness, it’s like the potentials don’t really even exist, or at least so it seems to us.  Maybe we see others around us having good potentials, but perhaps we aren’t seeing those similar potentials in our lives.

In order to open up more positive potentials for ourselves, we need to harness, build, and hold the Light, in order to have the quantum awareness of the potentials that reside within the field for us.  We of course must match the vibratory frequency of the potential in order to be aware of it — we cannot truly access a potential if we do not already hold its frequency within us.

If we wish to hold the right frequency, well, the bad news is, often, this is a LOT of work.  We generally do not come to the Mystery School with enough awareness to even know where we are right NOW in the vibratory spectrum of the quantum field, so we don’t know how much work we have to do to get where we want to go.  Complicating this further is the fact that most people don’t know thyself enough to even set their sights correctly yet on where they want to go.

It is often a humbling journey again and again to discover, layer by layer, what we TRULY desire even for ourselves. This journey has no beginning and no end, just eternally more and more layers to it, leading us from wherever we are to a greater life of more joy and peace and meaning.

Any time you feel stuck in the field, use your tools, diligently, intelligently, creatively. Talk with your Guide — your Guide is your Guide through the Quantum Field of Reality. 

Reach out to your Guide, text or email or message them, and ask for their assistance. It is one of the greatest gifts you have ALREADY given yourself, the gift of hiring your Guide when you got initiated.  And they will always be there for you to assist you in overcoming the blockages you find in your experience of the quantum field.