
The Spiritual Essence of Beauty

By Marisol Salomon, Certified MMS Healer, & 2nd Step Ritual Master, Holistic Esthetician

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “beauty”?

Glamour? Fashion? Makeup? 

The media portrays that you can only be beautiful if you are young, have a certain body type, facial features, and perfect skin. Some people won’t leave their homes without makeup and won’t take selfies without filters. We have been programmed to hide behind these masks because we are afraid of being judged by others.

But the reality is that beauty isn’t skin deep - and makeup, clothes, and diet fads won’t heal the years of believing the illusion that you are not beautiful. Breaking down these illusions about beauty is where the real magick starts.

How do we break down these illusions? 

As Jordan Bain said in his recent article, “What is Spiritual Light?,” we need to bring in more light! Light transcends our beliefs and our minds and empowers us to discern the truth. One of the ways to bring in more light is through receiving healings from your guide and initiations on the path of progression. Healings and initiations help to anchor light into your physical being and facilitate a deeply transformative process of reconnecting you to your divine spiritual essence and life purpose. With every step in the process, you become more “you.”

There is nothing more beautiful than removing the masks you have been hiding behind, learning to love yourself, and freely expressing your unique spiritual essence and individuality as a God/dess in this world. This is the work of Knowing Thyself. And when you Know Thyself - it shows!

Many of us in the Modern Mystery School notice that we look more radiant, more youthful, more joyful, and more beautiful with every initiation received and every new step taken on this path of progression. It’s not an uncommon experience for strangers to take notice of all of the light that initiates carry and remark how beautiful and radiant we seem when returning home from programs. Our clothes didn’t change, our hair didn’t change, and our skincare routines are the same, but we shifted on the inside, and it’s always noticeable on the outside. True beauty radiates from within us and is the outward expression and the result of all of the healing work we are doing to bring our bodies, souls, and spirits into alignment and balance. 

My favorite part about the journey to Knowing Thyself is that it is a lifelong journey. A journey of remembering and rediscovering our innate beauty and learning to share that beauty with others. The longer we walk this path of progression together, the more beautiful all of us will become, and the more beautiful we can make this world!

With love,
